2012-2023 and counting


Selfgrow is an agri-tech company that has developed unique gel cubes, containing water and fertilizers that replace the soil in which the plants are planted. Bottom line - you don’t need to water your plants more than twice a year.
Branding, Strategy
The Challenge

The Challenge

In addition to water conservation, this breakthrough also allows to dramatically reduce the manpower taking care of the plants, and opens up the possibility of growing many plants in closed and unusual spaces, offices, hotels, hospitals and more.

Initially, we felt that the road to success was already paved. It turns out that significantly inferior solutions use the same messaging (saving water, manpower, etc.), thus undervalueing the dramatic breakthrough by Selfgrow.The big challenge was to succeed in differentiating the brand from other solutions on the market and to highlight the significance of this change in the category.

The Solution

To define a completely new terminology in the dialogue with customers.

From now on, the world of plants will be divided into NEEDY PLANTS (pots that we know today that require attention, care and watering) and for the first time ever - a category of INDEPENDENT PLANTS - self sustaining  plants that do not need watering or daily care.

They simply grow on their own… hence, the new name: Selfgrow
Brand Story

Brand Story

Plants have tremendous positive effects.

They affect the air we breathe, our mood, our atmosphere, our aesthetics, our creativity and even our productivity during the day.

Now, for the first time, thanks to the breakthrough by SELFGROW - plants will not only give us so much - they will also demand very little in return.

Finally, plants that take care of themselves.